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About integrating with a Windows-based system

Integrating the Asset Management Module with a Windows-based maintenance management system depends on how you can display the Meridian Explorer web page in the maintenance management system user interface. Some, but not all of the possibilities include:

For example, Internet Explorer can be started with a specific web page by executing:

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" http://<ServerName>/ExplorerClient/Home.aspx?VIEWID=DOC_E91E5&DOCFILTER=docfab&eqnum=123

Alternatively, a custom-programmed intermediate program can be started that will start Internet Explorer with the same URL. The program may be installed on the computers or it may be accessible from a shared network folder. It is important that the intermediate program reuse existing browser windows opened by the Asset Management Module.


The options to retrieve argument values from a Windows-based maintenance management system are dependent on its implementation and are beyond the scope of this guide. For information on incorporating the values into the URL of the Meridian Explorer home page, see Configuring the Meridian Explorer URL parameters.

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Understanding the maintenance management system requirements

About integrating with a web-based system

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